Extended Tour

From: $10.00

A wine tasting tour of our production facility and/or farm in Fennville. Admission includes a logo glass to keep, wine samples, and a $5 coupon towards the purchase of wine.

Depending on the time of year and weather, the long tour takes place in our cellar, in the vineyard, or some combination of both. Tours are generally in the vineyard from July-October. Vineyard tours are conducted using our famous “grape train” giving guests great views of the vineyards during the tour. The extended tour includes multiple wine samples throughout, detailed descriptions of wine making and grape growing and plenty of opportunities to ask questions.

**Due to the interactive nature of the experience, groups are limited to 6 or fewer. If your party is 7 or more, please check out options for groups here.



We believe wine should be approachable. Fenn Valley tours have been designed to help take the mystery out of making world class wine. This is our extended, or technical tour. It is hosted by an experienced member of our staff, and the content is designed to be both informative and educational. Wines served tend to skew towards the drier side, though it is up to each guide to determine the profile and quantity of samples served.

In the winter and early summer these tours take place in our wine cellar. When weather permits summer and fall tours occur outside in our vineyard. And sometimes, we do a little bit of both! Please note: Generally speaking tours are in the vineyards from July-October. However, tours are not guaranteed in the cellar or vineyard. Many factors impact the decision, including weather, equipment availability and guest safety. 

The extended tour is pretty in-depth. They run about 1:45 in length, and involve wine tasting throughout to illustrate the various points being made.


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